Myrtle Beach Church

Coastal Bible Church is a non-denominational, evangelical Christian church in the Reformed tradition.  Our focus, as displayed and admonished in the New Testament, is upon helping those in our fellowship grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  (2Peter 3:18) through the exegetical, expository preaching and teaching of the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God.  Our goal is to produce Christ-like disciples, who will then draw others into the kingdom of God as Christ is seen in and through them.  Our focus is not on holding “events” to draw the unchurched to the church building to hear the Pastor preach about Jesus, not on putting on a great “show” to attract the worldly on Sunday morning, but on guiding those in the church into a more intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ in order to draw the unchurched to Jesus 24 hours a day and seven days a week.