Churches In Myrtle Beach

Coastal Bible Church is a “different” kind of church. We realize that practically every church promotes itself as a “different” kind of church, but in their attempts to be different, they all end up looking kind of the same, following the latest model put forth by the church growth guru of the day.    We at Coastal Bible , however, attempt to follow the original model put forth by the original church growth gurus, the New Testament  apostles. So you won’t find a pastor with spiked hair, skinny jeans, and a three day facial shadow. You won’t find a loud rock band, accompanied by smoke pots and a laser light show, singing the latest sappy praise chorus. You won’t find a “sermon” which is basically a motivational speech, a self-help message with a bible verse or two tacked on. You won’t find a church full of spectators, there only to watch the show. What you will find is a church full of participants, a church full of people who have grown tired of the “church experience” and longed for something more,  longed for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ found only through a deeper and more profound encounter with the Word of God.  So if you are tired of the “modern church experience” and long for something deeper and more profound, Coastal Bible may be just the church for you. So give us a try, and come see the difference which going deeper into the Word of God can make in your life.