Service Schedule

Communion every fifth Sunday–04-24-2022 (St. Gabriel’s)

Church Meetings will be held every 3 months on the first Sunday of each applicable date: (1st meeting was held at Palmetto’s on the 6th of February; next will be held on the 1st of May at Palmetto’s; August 7th & November 6th to follow)!   

Sunday services (All are at 1000-1100): Palmetto (1st Sunday of the month ); St. Gabriel’s (2nd & 4th); Inlet Oaks (3rd & 5th when applicable); With Bible Study following the regular service.

Wednesday’s Music Ministry (1000-1100)—Posted each month 

***Please pray for the Music Ministry Outreach as we seek opportunities to share God’s Word in hymns and Bible verses to proclaim the Good News wherever the Holy Spirit leads in the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Sovereign God of the Universe. All things are in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.***